Tuesday, July 13, 2010

There's a Purpose

I'm tired of sitting in my house and expecting everything to miraculously be prosperous. We need to learn how to survive. I don't mean busting our ass to keep our head above water kind of survival. I mean surviving statistics, surviving the fucking transparent stains on our skin. Hear the tone of my writing. It is angry, furious and unpolitically correct. We buy fancy cars, expensive houses and we even by each other but we are so fucking poor and inferior to what we should have our focus on. The say I'm beautiful. That I could even be a model. Men whistle, women giggle but some stare. They call me fake and say that I don't know who I am. One day I'm Jamaican. They see the brown in my eyes and my full lips. Then another day they see the green in my eyes and my tan skin and I'm Puerto Rican. My Jamaican people see my straight hair and my Puerto Rican people see my strong facial features. Blood runs thru my veins. Love and Joy mixed. I was not designed to be judged. That's why my eyes and arms are not symmetrical. Neither is yours......TO BE CONT>...................-----------------WroteIntheSkyline-------------+>

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