Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Into the Smallest Box (Loving Alone)

Some people are loners. They can play by themselves, they don't need socialization. They like to work alone and just be alone. Well can some one please diagnose me.

Hi, I'm Chyna King and I like to Love alone.

I pour my heart out to people and love hard and get nothing in return. I have friends and family that have gotten the most out of me. I love my friends like siblings and I have even helped a friend find true love and still I got nothing. At the end they are left enjoying each others love and I'm left drained and empty.
The first step to recovery is admitting your problem. I am too quick to give my love away. Love is a strong word, I am not using it in a mellow tone or tense. I can can go into a homeless shelter with love for them as a human being and after I've interacted with them I'm leaving out loving them like friends. Feeling obligated to help them and check on them. This has happened to me. I meet people and it's like I find this connection with them and i hook my self up to them. Picture me with a whole bunch of connections coming from my heart and everyone i meet i hook this wire up to them and it's just people walking around connected to me.There's people in Jamaica, Puerto Rico, in Bermuda and even Saudi Arabia and of course all over the U.S.A. I call people all the time to check on them but not as many calls coming in as there is going out. Some one helped me realize that I Love too hard. That's one thing about a problem....people can see it before you can. I need to stop giving my all. I'm not gaining from it. I need to disconnect from some people and turn the current down. I need to learn to keep things casual and not personal.

My name is Chyna and I love alone. All by myself.

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